[issue in scipy.optimize.shgo, for COBYLA's minimizer_kwargs in scipy.optimize._shgo.py]
thibaudrosin opened this issue · 3 comments
In file scipy.optimize._shgo.py on line 557 in the declaration of solver_args, the solver method's specific arguments, the 'catol' as one of COBYLA's method specific argument is missing, leading this argument to be removed on line 584:
" _restrict_to_keys(self.minimizer_kwargs['options'],
self.min_solver_args + ['ftol'])"
Therefore the catol args is reset to its default value when cobyla is called upon each value of the minimizer pool.
Hello @thibaudrosin - this issue should be raised in the https://github.com/scipy/scipy repo - would you mind moving it there? Thanks!
@thibaudrosin Before doing that, make sure it's not a duplicate. This rings a bell.
Thank you for your reactivity. I will move it to the https://github.com/scipy/scipy repo @melissawm
@tupui after a quick check there doesn't seem to be an open issue on that matter in the above repo.