
usage of pysciter

Eliyanan opened this issue · 6 comments

i have downloaded pysciter recently, i have sciter sdk too. But i dont how to get start writing my .py code. I saw a minimal example that imorts sciter. I coudnt see the result, i am using pycharm ide and it says 'sciter' module can not be found. Please give me a guide how should i work with pysciter. Thanks..

'sciter' module can not be found.

pip install pysciter

why not sciter module included in the pycsiter, that i have downloaded from here?? then what is the use of forking from here after all!

Sorry, what are you mean? pysciter/sciter - it is a module. You can install it via python install from this repository or from PyPI registry via python -mpip install pysciter.

yeah i got that, why should i do download it in pip since i've download it from here. as you said there is pysciter/sciter directory but i couldnt see any file, do i mis something? or can you tell how it works..

Python package can be either a file named or a folder package/

thank you it worked for me now.