
Error: 196608 is not a valid PHASE_MASK

nowayout opened this issue · 2 comments

In the html file use
<input type="date" name="date1" value="2021-12-06" />
when select other date, it show errors:
Exception ignored on calling ctypes callback function: <bound method EventHandler._element_proc of <__main__.Frame object at 0x01D787A8>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\pypqj\sciter\", line 252, in _element_proc
phase = PHASE_MASK(m.cmd & 0xFFFFF000)
File "C:\Python39\lib\", line 384, in __call__
return cls.__new__(cls, value)
File "C:\Python39\lib\", line 702, in __new__
raise ve_exc
ValueError: 196608 is not a valid PHASE_MASK

Well, obviously it's not a phase mask. I woonder, what that date control tries to send.

Such as, now is 2021-12-06, change the date to: 2021-12-08 or 2021-12-01