
Template Error in UNRAID app store

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Tried to install from UNRAID app store. the docker template is managed by @digiblur

the default template has errors:

maps container folder /app/data to host folder /appdata/plateminder/data
need to change container folder to /home/app/data

also maps "file" /app/config.yaml to host /appdata/plateminder/config.yaml
this creates a folder called config.yaml which cannot be written to.
you must map the folder config.yaml is in, not the yaml itself.
also missing the /home root folder of the container path.

This is how the mapping should look after correction

Hi there,

This isn't something I maintain. You may want to reach out @digiblur directly.

i have, but more leaving it here as a note to others who are trying and failing to getting it work on unraid.
i just DM'd digiblur on that forum.

What a strange reason to edit a comment. 👎

i thought it would be funny. i laughed. good enough