
Home Assistant Trigger look?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I'd love to be able to get home assistant to somehow trigger a recognition. I have Unifi camears that raise events for vehicles and I'd love to use those notifications, then trigger plate-minder to do a recognition then, and only then.

It would lower overhead of running plate-minder a lot I would think.

Is there any way to do this?

Hi James, no, this isn't currently supported. You might be able to cobble together uploading images directly to to recognize plates, but you wouldn't have the home assistant integration managed by plate-minder.

Is there like a rest interface that I could post a webhook or something to do that would cause plateminder to then do a recognition from the cameras that it has (if any)?

Basically I want to plateminder to sleep and do nothing until it has a reason to do so. I strikes me that most cameras have this kind of trigger so it would be great to lower the overhead on cpu etc. (and likely gpu) if plateminder didn't do anything until such time as it was told to.

Oh, I get what you're after. The problem is that the connection to the camera itself takes a little time. If you're scanning plates on a street or where cars pass by, the setup time required for plate-minder to connect to the camera, capture a frame, and scan for a plate likely exceeds the time that the car is even in the camera's frame.

That's why I suggested just cobbling something together that uploads a picture to OpenALPR-HTTP-Wrapper and has it scan for a plate.