
New version of Spine don't have configure file

mariusmotea opened this issue · 6 comments


I notice that new builds of spine don't have configure file so upgrades are applied just to Cacti. In Cacti dashboard error is displayed because cacti version is newer than spine.

To fix it i need to execute autoreconf -fvi and autoconf in order to generate the configure file.

Thanks for the report, Ill look into what configuration file it requires and next steps.

Looks like there are a few things to correct,

docker exec 88271b9f144d ./
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Prepping workspace for restore.
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Downloading Cacti from
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Downloading Spine from
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Installing new version of Cacti.
2019-09-06_11:47 [Restore] Setting cacti file permissions.
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Compile + Installing new version of Spine.
./ line 37: ./configure: No such file or directory
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Copying config templates for Spine and Cacti.
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Updating cacti/spine settings.
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Attempting to update database via CLI.
You are attempting to install cacti 1.2.6 onto a 0.6.x database.
To continue, you must create a new database, import 'cacti.sql' into it,
and	update 'include/config.php' to point to the new database.
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Cleaning temp files.
2019-09-06_11:47 [Upgrade] Upgrade complete, please log into cacti to finish.

Looks like new versions of spine require ./bootstrap to be ran. This will create the ./configure file required to compile.

bootstrap process requires which to be installed as well or it fails to locate dos2unix.

Your image need to be fixed because is the best and simple cacti installation.

#50 created with the required fixes for spine 1.2.6, will merge this weekend if no issues are found.

You can use and test this by using smcline06/cacti:1.2.6

Thank you!