Time series analysis of ambulance dispatches in the City of San Diego. Models include Prophet, ARIMA, and LSTM with recurrent neuron network.
- Map the incident data before Sep 2015 to the new divisions created on Oct 2015, labeled 0~7 as Zone 1 to Zone 8.Zipcode
- Geo-decoded addresses from lat-long locations of each incident.Mission_Type
- 0: Ambulance canceled, 1: Cleared at scene, 2: Transported to destination.
: Address of the 94,307 distince lat-long points in the dataset with address resolved through geopy by OpenStreetMap API.amb_hour.csv
: Ambulance unit hours dataset, with scheduled and actual hours claimed, the number of calls are also listed.
: Heatmap visualization of 911 calls by zip codes.geoloc_api.ipynb
: Readgeoloc_coord.csv
, send the location through geopy to OpenStreetMap, and write the resolved address back to geoloc_coord.csvas an additional columnzones_types.ipynb
: Readraw_dispatch_merged_with_comments.csv
, identify theNew_Zone
for incidents before September 2015, and identify theMission_Type``. Write the results into incident_zipcode_newzone.csv
: Forecasts of the 24 time series by Prophet.forecast_uhu.ipynb
: Forecast the unit hour time series inamb_hour.csv
using Prophet, ARIMA, and LSTM (RNN) with performance comparison.forecast_(XY).ipynb
: Forecast on selected series in the 24 time series by districts and mission type inincident_zipcode_newzone.csv
using Prophet, ARIMA, and LSTM (RNN) with performance comparison. Here, X is the fire district values from 1-8, Y is the mission type from 1-3 (1: Cancelled, 2: Clear-at-scene, 3: Transported)