
Spaces removed from :not statement.

Closed this issue · 1 comments


Ive noticed an issue with this package where spaces are removed from :not statements.
Im not 100% sure if this an issue with the gulp wrapper or the clean-css package it wraps.

Basically if i have css:

button {
    &:not(.gmap &){
        @include button();

The compiled css becomes (notice the space removed from .gmap and button:

button:not(.gmapbutton){/* the mixin css */}

When using the following gulp process:

return gulp.src(cssPath + '/**/*.css')
            compatibility: ie8,
            level: 2

@JParkinson1991 Hello. Thanks for bringing this up. Unfortunately, any sort of minification specific oddities you are incurring in regards to the css itself should indeed be opened up on the clean-css issue tracker Sorry I can not help, but any changes in this repo won't affect your results in this case.