
BTT Octopus

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I've been trying to set up a BTT Octopus board, but without any luck. I'm at my wits end with this.
The chip is an STM32F446ZET6

  • I have the debug serial port hooked up at baud rate: 115200
  • I've tried Flashing pre-compiled binaries from develop branch (using SD Card)
  • I've tried re-compiling in mbed-studio + flashing with SD card
  • If I flash the firmware for the SKRv2 I get repeatable garbage out of the debug serial on the board
  • If I flash the proper 446 firmware I get zero serial output
  • I've tried setting SPI clock divider in linuxcnc HAL
  • I've tried setting various pins to be motor power in firmware config, and seeing if I get an output - to no avail.
  • I have slimmed the firmware config file down to just a reset button, but still cant get remora to communicate. I get the output Bad SPI payload = 80010000

Hi, just to let you know. I've got a BBT Octopus on the bench and looking into this.

Hi Cakeslob has the Octopus working in his Remora branch.

I've asked him to do a pull request to merge his latest work back into main.

Hopefully this was resolved. Do the thing with the @ so I get flagged for the issue, otherwise I dont get any notifaction

Okay, thanks alot guys! I really appreciate your efforts, and willingness to help out! 👍

I'll try this out shortly