
Guidance on output element

scottaohara opened this issue · 2 comments

the output element is part of the form elements family and maps to role=status, or at the very least a polite live region for most browsers.

Create an explainer on the element and produce some examples to show how it can be effectively used with different components, such as:

  • checkboxes
  • range slider (with aria-live=off)
  • number text field (if custom + / - controls exist)
  • textarea (as a characters remaining indicator)

Just discovered your repo! These are super helpful, thank you so much!

Regarding aria-live and an output region, the search component would be another important place to have that available

hi @karlyanelson

yes, i suppose there very well could be a use case for SPAs where results are injected into the current screen rather than causing a refresh. Thanks for the suggestion :)