
open command not found on bash

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello! I noticed this repo hasnt been updated for a while, but i figured to put this here in case anyone ran into the same small problem as i did. I use bash, with the alacritty terminal.
Upon writing noted in the command line i received this error:

/usr/local/bin/noted: line 64: open: command not found

On line 64 and 102 of the noted main i simply had to modify the command "open" into "xdg-open" in order to make the script work! :)

@belligerentcrow Thanks for mentioning that. This is the second time that "open" support was brought up. There is a part of the README about one other solution for that maybe there's more we could add in there? Or maybe we can upgrade the script to somehow check for "open" and "xdg-open" and select the right one? WDYT? I'd be happy to hear proposals and look at accepting a PR on it!

Thank you for your quick reply! Hmm, do you think it could be done if we changed all-together "open" to the global variable '$EDITOR'? It'd open any preferred editor the user usually works with; it works on my machine but I'm not sure this could work outside of GNU/Linux, though.