
Doesnt prepend "http://" to urls that just start with "www.*"

omasback opened this issue · 11 comments

at least a "//" or "#" is needed for hrefs to work

Can you post an example?

Can you show an example. If not I'll close the issue.

The string "" just links to "" without http://.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Would you mind submitting a PR?

@elado I have images in my html code.So the image links also wrapped with <a href="">

@scottcorgan When is this issue going to be resolved? I am using linkify and stuck with http/https issue in anchors. @elado Can you please submit a PR on @scottcorgan branch.

@scottcorgan I am trying to submit PR but not able to do it as permission denied. Please provide permission so that I can submit PR on this issue.

Raised PR with proposed changes. #27

Fixed in #27. Thanks @addula!

@scottcorgan Thank you