
Overlapping Icons

juminoz opened this issue · 1 comments

As you can see in the screenshot, the icons on the pins seem to not be on the same z-index as the pin itself so it looks like all the icons are attached to each other when there are pins overlapping each other. Is this a bug or misconfiguration?

       var marker = new Marker({
            position: geo,
            icon: {
                path: MAP_PIN,
                fillColor: '#ff5a5f',
                fillOpacity: 1,
                strokeColor: '',
                strokeWeight: 0
            map_icon_label: '<span class="map-icon map-icon-circle" style="line-height: 54px;"></span>'

screen shot 2017-02-20 at 7 11 21 am

Tengo el mismo problema como lo resolviste?