Create og-currency directive
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(Not to be confused with og-input-currency, which is an input field that accepts/displays currency values).
In a number of views (e.g. 3 x instances in the accounts index alone), we display currency values using markup similar to the following:
<td class="amount" ng-class="::{'text-danger': amount < 0}">{{::amount | currency}}</td>
The outer tag can differ (e.g. <td>
vs <th>
), and the model value can differ (e.g. account.closing_balance
vs vm.netWorth
), but there is some commonality repeated each time:
- General styling (
) - Conditional styling of negative amounts (
ng-class="::{'text-danger': x < 0}"
) - Use of angular's
filter ({{::x | currency}}
We should consider creating a directive that encapsulates these common traits of currency display to simplify the markup and remove the duplication.
<th og-currency="vm.netWorth">Total: </th>
The directive would apply the general & conditional currency styles to the outer tag; and append {{:: x | currency}}
to the element's text content (where x
is the value passed as the directive attribute).
Sometimes we have $0.00 amounts with the text-danger
class being applied, because the underlying value is actually -0
(negative zero).
The ng-class
expression should be ng-class="::{'text-danger': x < -0}"