See: webpack/webpack#14451

This repository is intended to demonstrate differences between file names produced by webpack 4 vs webpack 5.

The main question is poses is whether splitChunks.automaticNameDelimiter is still used in webpack 5.


  • splitChunks.minSize: 0 is used to force webpack to create more output files. Normally this would be discouraged.
  • splitChunks.automaticNameDelimiter: '%' is used so that we can observe if/how it impacts file names.
  • The same webpack config is used for both v4 and v5, with the only difference being how the output directory is cleaned between each bundle run (v4 uses CleanWebpackPlugin, v5 uses output.clean: true).

Source files:

  • a.js and b.js both import a module from c.js

Initial setup:

  1. Clone this repository (git clone
  2. Change into the directory (cd webpack5-automaticnamedelimiter)

Webpack 4.46.0

  1. Checkout the v4 branch (git checkout v4)
  2. Install dependencies (npm install)
  3. Bundle (webpack)
  4. Inspect the contents of the /dist directory. Note that the files are:

Webpack 5.58.1

  1. Switch to the v5 branch (git checkout v5)
  2. Install dependencies (npm install)
  3. Bundle (webpack)
  4. Inspect the contents of the /dist directory. Note that the files are:


In both v4 and v5, code that is shared by a.js and b.js is extracted to it own chunk.

In v4, the name of the shared chunk is the entry chunk names delimited by the splitChunks.automaticNameDelimiter. By default, this chunk would have normally been given the name a~b.js, but since we have overridden the default delimiter from ~ to %, the name becomes a%b.js.

In v5, the name of the shared chunk appears to be the path to the original source file (src/c.js), with path separators replaced with underscores, giving src_c_js.js. The splitChunk.automaticNameDelimiter does not appear to be used at all.