Pulumi Libvirt Attempt

Pulumi lets you auto-configure some infrastructure and then interact with it.

I'm interested in accomplishing this with local resources compared to cloud resources (which is the norm).

There is a libvirt provider that allows this to work using libvirt which itself is a wrapper around various virtualization platforms.

Getting an Ubuntu VM Running

In main.go is my best attempt so far at running a simple ubuntu VM on top of qemu on macos (arm64).

Macos stuff

  • brew install libvirt qemu
  • brew services libvirt start

The qemu session string is currently hardcoded to the macos location of the socket.


Currently this code fails because its generating xml for kvm, not qemu (or ideally hvf?)

Ran with pulumi up -d -v=3 --tracing $PWD/out.log

    debug: Generated XML for libvirt domain:
    debug:   <domain type="kvm">
    debug:       <name>HelloUbuntu</name>
    debug:       <memory unit="MiB">512</memory>
    debug:       <vcpu>1</vcpu>
    debug:       <os firmware="efi">
    debug:           <type>hvm</type>
    debug:       </os>
    debug:       <features>
    debug:           <pae></pae>
    debug:           <acpi></acpi>
    debug:           <apic></apic>
    debug:       </features>
    debug:       <cpu></cpu>
    debug:       <devices>
    debug:           <channel type="unix">
    debug:               <target type="virtio" name="org.qemu.guest_agent.0"></target>
    debug:           </channel>
    debug:           <rng model="virtio">
    debug:               <backend model="random">/dev/urandom</backend>
    debug:           </rng>
    debug:       </devices>
    debug:   </domain>

I'm beginning to think that it isn't currently possible with pulumi-libvirt to spin up a local VM on qemu on macos arm64.

No matter what DomainArgs I provide, it is always generating a domain type="kvm".

It seems that pulumi-libvirt is generated by pulumi-terraform-bridge from terraform-provider-libvirt.

In terraform-provider-libvirt, the domain type seems to only support kvm or v (which is some libvirt test something something) src

As speculated in this comment, it seems as though the terraform-provider-libvirt package was primarily designed to manage linux KVM servers remotely, rather than macos locally.

I'm guessing there would need to be bigger changes to the pulumi-libvirt integration to be able to make this work.


Various articles I've referenced while trying to get this working

libvirt mac m1 support