
No Pagination - 100 item limit

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The Canvas API has pagination when calling items/assignments. This is shown by the return of the "link" item in the header, which informs the next page to query. (see

However, this script doesn't handle that, meaning we only process the first 100 items.

Need to add logic to handle pagination (one option may be this link

Is there someone who might be able to help with this?

I hacked together a solution from this post and it works, but would love some review/input from @Nassuel who has better understanding of Python than I.

It looks fine to me. Other than the if statement on line 193 using the response weirdly due to its scope. What's the purpose of that if statement?

For example, if there were no course_ids, then you'd run into a referenced before assignment error on the response variable.

Gotcha, good catch. When I was debugging, I ran into errors at first because I didn't' include the headers the second time, so I got a 401 on the paginated response (having only authenticated the initial request).

I'll pull that out - I don't think we need that line there since the two places we can get a 401/bad key would be on initial course selection (in iniitalize_api) or on initial course pull (if you're running it when using previously selected courses)