
Improve support for escape sequences to support Rainbow.

kiliankoe opened this issue ยท 26 comments

Hi, just stumbled across SwiftyTextTable and wanted to use it for a project. Thanks for building it!

Unfortunately it seems SwiftTextTable is unable to calculate the correct size for a column when trying to apply additional information to the strings via something like onevcat/Rainbow.

I'm getting this for example when applying the color red to the string foo:

| foo | bar | baz |
| 1            | 2   | 3   |
| 11           |     | 33  |
| 111          | 222 | 333 |

I'm guessing it's because of this, seeing how color information in the terminal is represented through escape sequences that are counted as additional length in this case. Is there any way one could work around this?

Thanks for filing this!

Getting proper support for Rainbow was on the roadmap, so I'll take a look at this when a couple of free hours open up. It's quite possible that we can calculate string length in an alternative fashion (probably by stripping escape sequences). This also dovetails a bit with my intention to add multiline rows (basic support is sitting on a feature branch).

If you have any inclination to contribute a PR, I think the fix might be pretty straightforward, and I'd certainly welcome the help! Otherwise, I will probably get to it this week.

Going to rename this issue to better track it.

Thanks for the quick reply! I'll look into a fix for this, but can't promise anything. My knowledge of escape sequences is rather limited. But I'll definitely give it a shot!

No problem. Let me know if I can be of any assistance. My first hunch is that casting the values to NSString would probably open up some more powerful string functions. The functions for trimming characters in a character set would be promising.

So I looked a bit more into this. Unfortunately the escape sequences used by Rainbow to generate color and style information are a bit more complex than I was hoping, and they differ for platforms. While it would be possible to write a regex that stripped these for length calculations, the simplest way to accomplish this is probably just creating a dependency on Rainbow and using it's built-in functions for clearing color and styles to calculate length. I'll have to give some thought as to whether that would be a good idea, as I would like to avoid dependencies to keep the library as lightweight as possible.

@kiliankoe, I was able to come up with a regex to strip the console escapes for column width calculations. The results are available in this branch:

Feel free to start using that as the public API won't change, but I may clean it up a bit before merging into master, which should be in the next day or two.

That's so cool, thank you for putting the work into this!

No problem! Having Rainbow support was needed IMO. In the future I'd like to explore potentially integrating table wide support for Rainbow. Also I'm going to add some protocols to make customizing the table display of values and displaying objects as rows easier.

Never mind, went ahead and cleaned it up before I went to bed. It's merged into master and a new release (0.2.2) is available now. Cheers!

@kiliankoe were you able to successfully create tables with color info from Rainbow?

I have, it seems to work just fine ๐Ÿ˜Š Thanks again!

screen shot 2016-03-15 at 09 36 21


Hi @scottrhoyt ๐Ÿ‘‹

Unfortunately this issue seems to have returned. I've also tried it with to be sure.

import SwiftyTextTable // 0.6.0
import Rainbow // 2.0.1

let columns = ["foo", "bar", "baz"].map { TextTableColumn(header: $0) }
var table = TextTable(columns: columns)

table.addRow(values: ["1", "2", "3"])
table.addRow(values: ["4".green, "5".yellow, "6".red])


leads to

screen shot 2017-07-23 at 11 26 14

I've looked around the source but can't seem to find anything pertaining to this. Also the tests seem to pass just fine. Do you know what the reason for this could be?

Hmm. That's interesting @kiliankoe. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Can you grab the escaped strings and post them here? My initial guess is that the the escape sequence used by Rainbow changed slightly and the stripping regex no longer catches it.

Also, double checking, are you seeing the incorrect behavior in terminal or in Xcode's console?

If you are interested in contributing at all, it would be awesome to throw those sequences into some more tests and rework the stripping regex to catch them.

I've had the same problem and I've "fixed" it in my fork. I did not make a pull request because it most likely breaks something else. I hope this can be of some use to you! ๐Ÿ˜„


First I've changed the stripping parten. It probably only matches the escape sequences I use.

-private let strippingPattern = "(?:\u{001B}\\[(?:[0-9]|;)+m)*(.*?)(?:\u{001B}\\[0m)+"
+private let strippingPattern = "\\\u{001B}\\[[0-1];[0-9][0-9]m"

Then I changed the with padding to use strippedLength() instead of count

 private extension String {
     func withPadding(count: Int) -> String {
-#if swift(>=3.2)
-        let length = self.count
-        let length = self.characters.count
+        let length = self.strippedLength()
         if length < count {
             return self +
                 repeatElement(" ", count: count - length).joined()




Examples of the escape sequences I use for color

public enum StringColor: String {
    case black = "\u{001B}[0;30m"
    case red = "\u{001B}[0;31m"
    case boldRed = "\u{001B}[1;31m"
    case green = "\u{001B}[0;32m"
    case boldGreen = "\u{001B}[1;32m"
    case yellow = "\u{001B}[0;33m"
    case blue = "\u{001B}[0;34m"
    case boldBlue = "\u{001B}[1;34m"
    case magenta = "\u{001B}[0;35m"
    case cyan = "\u{001B}[0;36m"
    case white = "\u{001B}[0;37m"

Thanks for sharing this @enari ! ๐Ÿฅ‡ Are the unit tests still passing? If yes, I think if you can just come up with a unit test or two that fails on master but passes on your fork, then we should absolutely merge your fork. Let me know!

The unit test's are not passing. The strippingPatterns has to be combined.

eneko commented

@scottrhoyt Seems like this PR is ready to go. @enari ๐Ÿ‘

@eneko: Yes, maybe it could use more testing, but it works and the unit tests are passing. However, @scottrhoyt does not seem to have been active lately. Maybe @jpsim can have a look and merge #26?

I think this issue is back.

import SwiftyTextTable //0.8.2
import Rainbow // 3.1.4

var testTable = TextTable(columns: [
    TextTableColumn(header: "col1"),
    TextTableColumn(header: "col2"),
    TextTableColumn(header: "col2")])

testTable.addRow(values: [1, "2".red, 3])

example image

@travispaul: Could you find what escape sequence Rainbow uses for .red?
I think you can use print("2".red.debugDescription)

Hi @Roslund, Looks like the escape sequence is "\u{1B}[31m2\u{1B}[0m"

eneko commented

@travispaul This code has been landed on master branch, however a new release has not been done since these updates were merged.

@jpsim could you please do a new 0.9.0 release?

jpsim commented

0.9.0 released here:

We'll need @scottrhoyt to publish the release on CocoaPods because I don't have access rights to release it.

@eneko and @jpsim works great now, thanks!

Just an FYI, it looks like underline and bold suffer from the same issue (see Magnitude 6.4 on the 5th row):

red-bold image
red-underline image

print("X".red.underline.debugDescription) // "\u{1B}[31;4mX\u{1B}[0m"
print("X".red.bold.debugDescription)      // "\u{1B}[31;1mX\u{1B}[0m"

@travispaul I think a change to the regex should solve this. Try changing /Source/SwiftyTextTable/TextTable.swift line 13

-private let strippingPattern = "\\\u{001B}\\[([0-9][0-9]?m|[0-9](;[0-9]*)*m)"
+private let strippingPattern = "\\\u{(1B}\\[[0-9][0-9]?(;?[0-9]*)*m"