
My own gulp starter files

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Gulp Starter

This is my current starting point for building websites. I'll be adding to it as I can.

Fair warning! It is very much a work in progress at this point.


I am using the following setup for my file structure:

+ src
  + html
    + templates
      - footer.html
      - header.html
    - index.html
  + sass
    + base
     - _normalize.scss
     - _skeleton.scss
     - _typographic.scss
     - _typography.scss
    + components
     - _buttons.scss
     - _forms.scss
     - _lists.scss
     - _marketing.scss
    + layout
      - _body.scss
      - _footer.scss
      - _header.scss
      - _navigation.scss
    + utils
      - _colors.scss
      - _functions.scss
      - _mixins.scss
      - _variables.scss
    - _shame.scss
    - core.scss
  + scripts
  + images
  + static

+ gulp
  + tasks
    + development
    - default.js
- .bowerrc
- bower.json
- .editorconfig
- gulpfile.js
- package.json
- scsslint.yml
- shipitfile.js
- shipitconfig.js

Quick Install

To install all packages and start gulp for the first time, run

npm run setup

To run nmp & gulp

npm start

Manual Install


Bower installs to the app/_componets folder, this is configurable in the .bowerrc file. If this is changed, also update it in your package.json. Install with

bower install


You'll need to have Node installed to run gulp. Additionally, gulp must be installed globally.

Gulp is split across several files in the gulp directory. Install Gulp with

npm install

If you wish to change the file structure, update gulp/config.js to reflect those changes. Additionally, all task configs are located in this file.

To build files and start the server run:


To build production files and preview them, run:

gulp publish


For WordPress installs it is much the same, with the logic being that you'll keep your source files out of your theme folder. To run Gulp with WordPress, simply edit the theme path in gulp/config.js

My WordPress builds change the wp-content folder to public and all of the WP files in an app folder. I like to keep everything separated as well as it gives the site a tad more security.

To build development files:

gulp wp

To build production files run:

gulp wp:publish