
Sort by CFP date

LeonAdato opened this issue · 8 comments

It would be lovely to be able to sort the list by CFP closing date, rather than just the start date of the event.

I like the idea, but it has certain problems like how should be the interface, what is the final intention here? figure out what are the following CFPs? Maybe we can have a "Open CFPs" page that shows all the CFPs ordered by deadline. @scraly do you have any idea about how to do this?

Having ordered by CFPs have another problem that is we are pre-filtering the events per year, so it conflicts a bit with the sorting by CFP end date, specially in the end/beginning of the year.

You already have CFP with their closing date in the ICS calendar.
In order to think if it's enough or not, I need to know what kind of needs you have :-)


I can show only events with open CFP
but I cannot sort by the CFP close date

This is important because I want to know which CFPs will close soon, and apply to those first.

@LeonAdato @scraly what do you think to add another view that is "CFPs" that generate the "list view" for CFPs or the "calendar view" of CFPs.

For the moment, we can have the list of CFP when we add a filtering with "opened CFP".
With this filter, users can view the conferences with CFP in the map, calendar or list.

Have you a specific need to think about a cfp view? 🙂

The main point is about ordering by CFP date, not by event date, to be able that you are not hitting any deadline (directly in the web, not through the calendar)

I see
Do you have an idea of UI?

@LeonAdato @scraly what do you think to add another view that is "CFPs" that generate the "list view" for CFPs or the "calendar view" of CFPs.

If the list is sort-able, then I'd say that accomplishes the job. But if you can't sort the list then it's not helpful. I want to know which CFPs are coming up soonest so I can work on applying to those now.