
Always show one word cloud

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Can lower threshold for word cloud, if there isn't another word cloud there.

Aidan has asked for this.

I'm not sure about this. There are genuine cases where a cloud is useless - e.g. the wordiest column only has three values (categories), which are forming a nice pie chart.

e.g. In Ian's 'British Wars' ( could show word cloud for the War name. Which has no better representation.

Perhaps give lower scores for worse average word count, but still include?

Am I right in saying Aidan wants a word cloud mainly for demonstrations?

If so, we should have a Data Hub of interesting datasets that are specifically geared to showcase the best aspects of different tools. One of those datasets could be planned in such a way it makes the Summarise tool display a word cloud.

Yeah, it does feel to me like doing it would break the tool. I really need particular use cases where it isn't showing enough and it might be sensible to.