
Make the mounted box show up in the Finder sidebar on OS X

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This is possible if the -0 local option is added to the mount script:

exec "mkdir -p #{path} && sshfs #{boxName}@#{boxServer} #{path} -ovolname=#{boxName} -oBatchMode=yes -o local -oworkaround=rename,noappledouble",{timeout: 5000}, (err, stdout, stderr) ->

There is a discussion on this here:

It might not be wise to do this on other operating systems, but I have no way of testing that.

So this is basically a feature request...

Cool! I originally turned this off to avoid the creation of .Trashes
and Spotlight index files on the remote box. (Just as I set rsync to
exclude .DS_Store files when performing a swbox push)

Perhaps the -o local behaviour could be an optional argument for
swbox mount, eg: swbox mount --local ? Or would that confuse

I'm just wary of making -o local the default, if it'll result in
spurious files finding their way onto users' boxes.

Yeah - an option would be good... There is another option to OSXFUSE (apart from the noappledouble that we added) 'noapplexattr' (from here:

This option makes MacFUSE deny all types of access to extended attributes that begin with the "" prefix. On Mac OS X 10.5.x, this is the preferred option if you wish to disallow entities such as resource forks and Finder information.

Haven't tested it.

My short tests earlier with the -o local option and noappledouble did not turn up any .Trashes files. What I did was mount the box. Create files and folders with the finder and then delete them.

Hi there, apologies we didn't fix this nearer the time but we're not actively developing this any more and we don't have time to look into this.