
Evolution commands (Fedora)

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I only see a shortcut to show Evolution and "contacts". I think it is missing "compose message" or something with the unread count

Would you please be so kind as to attach a screenshot and tell us the output of this command:

ls /usr/share/applications | grep 'evolution'
~$ ls /usr/share/applications | grep 'evolution'

screenshot button doesn't seems to work while the menu is displayed

There's a really nice screenshotting tool called shutter, I had a peek in the code and there seems to be no reason why you would be missing menu items. Is Evolution running?

Hi and thanks for your Support.
Just added the "Compose" Option for Evolution and added the other Fedora Programs to the Menu. Unread Message Count isn't implemented yet. I have no Fedora Installed right now, so could somebody test it and give some feedback?

Sorry there weren't any releases since November, once this is tested I'll upload it to Gnome.

Just tested it on Arch Linux, works totally fine.

I see it working in fedora now. Thanks for the hard work