
List Import Fails if (TMDB) id is "null"

sjdvda opened this issue · 2 comments

Thank you very much for this tool. I've been looking for something like this for a long time.

I tried to import my watchlist earlier and I had the following error:

Unable to connect to list: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path '[101].id', line 1, position 13816.

Looking at the JSON file, it was because of the following entry: {"id":null,"imdb_id":"tt0092337","title":"The Decalogue","release_year":"1989","clean_title":"/film/the-decalogue/","adult":false}

Sidenote: This is probably because it is either listed as a TV show or 10 different movies on TMDB.

The only way I've been able to resolve the issue is by removing the item from my watchlist and waiting for the scraper to run again, then the import works fine.

I see that the last commit was "remove series from output". Perhaps this could be further modified to also remove entries with a "null" id?

This has been fixed in 34829a3

That was fast! Thank you very much.