
Failing to download yarn from github on windows (and now linux too)

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On a fresh pull and docker-compose up of the launcher, it fails to download yarn from github with 403 forbidden.

% docker run screepers/screeps-launcher
2023/09/11 14:01:39 Installing Yarn
2023/09/11 14:01:40 yarn-v1.22.19.tar.gz
2023/09/11 14:01:40 Downloading
2023/09/11 14:01:40 403 Forbidden
2023/09/11 14:01:40 downloaded 0/0 bytes (0.00%)
2023/09/11 14:01:40 Download failed: server returned 403 Forbidden

Screeps launcher includes a User-Agent: screeps-launcher field, so initially I thought it might have blacklisted that agent. But a rebuild of the container seems to fix it.

% docker build .
Successfully built dbf21f16fadb
% docker run dbf21f16fadb
2023/09/11 14:04:58 Installing Yarn
2023/09/11 14:04:59 yarn-v1.22.19.tar.gz
2023/09/11 14:04:59 Downloading
2023/09/11 14:04:59 200 OK
2023/09/11 14:04:59 downloaded 1244259/1244259 bytes (100.00%)
2023/09/11 14:04:59 Download completed

The base image is FROM buildpack-deps:buster and the tag refers to Debian Buster, which is oldoldstable and released in 2019. Perhaps a change in allowed ciphers or certificates in the underlying OS?