Online version of reallysimple
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Scott Block suggested creating a server version of the reallysimple parser so you don't have to deploy a server every time you need to parse a feed. Good idea. Ultimately I'd like to have a version that runs directly in the browser, but since it depends on the feedparser package, which is only available for Node, at this time it's not practical.
So I will provide a server implementation that can be accessed over the web and of course provide the source so you can deploy it yourself, esp if operating the server consumes a lot of resources.
I did a bit of digging and found that I already (basically) have a server version of reallysimple to support Drummer scripting and outlining.
There's a verb rss.readFeed, it takes a URL and returns an object that contains the contents of the feed.
If you have a node of type rss with an xmlUrl att that points to the feed, when you expand it you get the items from the feed.
Both of these call a server which is basically a wrapper for reallysimple.
I've updated the app so it makes good exampleware for the reallysimple package. I will have the source up in its own repo later today.
Here's the server app.
You can use if you're testing, but if you're deploying an app please run your own instance of this server.
Hope you like! :-)
BTW, here's what a reallysimplified feed looks like.