Failed to create controler (oracle)
TrYkeRm4N opened this issue · 3 comments
Hi, I dont know if maybe this project is discontinued but I'll post my errors here.
When I press the keep alive button this happens on log:
SEVERE 309 0 oracle.ide.javaxide.Util Failed to create oracle.ide.controller.Controller keepalive.KeepaliveController. Class not found on classpath.
SEVERE 310 27 oracle.ideimpl.controller.ControllersHook$RuleBasedController Cannot handle action 'keepalive' (id=281). The rule evaluation succeeded, but the controller (keepalive.KeepaliveController) returned false from its update method.
If the rule returns true, the controller is expected to also return true from its update method.
SEVERE 311 1 oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction Error during handleEvent on action 'keepalive' (id=281).
None of the attached controllers handled the action.
- oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction$ControllerDelegatingController@3ef7ddc6[oracle.ideimpl.controller.ControllersHook$RuleBasedController@3ef7ddc6[keepalive.KeepaliveController][always-enabled]].
I got DB2 (IBM conections) also Oracle connections, is that a problem?
Thanks in advance, I know you are working for free so if this get fixed take for sure you'll got a beer!
Hi, really sorry to reply only now, but I missed the notifications for a while.
Not sure this is due to DB2 connections, it seems like a specific class is not found.
May I ask if you installed through the suggested methods, by downloading from and uploading through the menu inside SQL Developer?
Regarding DB2: at the moment the extension specifically handles only SQL Server and Oracle.
The default query for other vendors is "SELECT 1 AS RESULT", but I doubt that it's portable.
We can solve that, I'll probably change it to "SELECT 1 AS RESULT FROM DUAL", but I think your problem is independent from this.
I install it using the guide, as you said downloading from releases and uploading through the menu of SQL Dev.
Forget about the DB2, its ok, I managed using other program such like dbVisualizer. But on Oracle I want to keep SQLdeveloper because of the custom reports.
I though this maybe happens because of my custom JDBC URL to connect. I'm using a custom URL JDBC because server is balanced between 2 addresses.
Maybe it is specting other kind of connection.
These are the errors (I try like some minutes ago):
_SEVERE 290 0 oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction Error during handleEvent on action 'keepalive' (id=281).
None of the attached controllers handled the action.
- oracle.ide.controller.IdeAction$ControllerDelegatingController@5fa7cce6[oracle.ideimpl.controller.ControllersHook$RuleBasedController@5fa7cce6[keepalive.KeepaliveController][always-enabled]].
SEVERE 289 1 oracle.ideimpl.controller.ControllersHook$RuleBasedController Cannot handle action 'keepalive' (id=281). The rule evaluation succeeded, but the controller (keepalive.KeepaliveController) returned false from its update method.
If the rule returns true, the controller is expected to also return true from its update method.
SEVERE 288 363605 oracle.ide.javaxide.Util Failed to create oracle.ide.controller.Controller keepalive.KeepaliveController. Class not found on classpath._
Thanks in advance for your kind reply!