
FCM connection

callmeahab opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm pretty new to XMPP, so this question might be a bit dumb, but I'm having issue connecting to firebase cloud messaging. I'm currently doing:

    opts = [
      jid: "#{sender_id}",
      password: fcm_server_key,
      host: "",
      port: 5236,
      legacy_tls: true,
      require_tls: true,
      preferred_auth_mechanisms: ['PLAIN']

    {:ok, pid} = Conn.start_link(opts)

    case Conn.send(pid, Stanza.presence) do
      {:error, :closed} ->
      :ok ->

And I'm getting the error:

GenServer #PID<0.193.0> terminating
** (Romeo.Auth.Error) Failed to authenticate using mechanism: "PLAIN"
    (romeo) lib/romeo/auth.ex:64: Romeo.Auth.do_authenticate/2
    (romeo) lib/romeo/transports/tcp.ex:108: Romeo.Transports.TCP.authenticate/1
    (romeo) lib/romeo/transports/tcp.ex:65: Romeo.Transports.TCP.start_protocol/1
    (romeo) lib/romeo/connection.ex:90: Romeo.Connection.connect/2
    (connection) lib/connection.ex:622: Connection.enter_connect/5
    (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:247: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: nil
State: %Romeo.Connection{component: false, features: %Romeo.Connection.Features{amp?: false, compression?: false, mechanisms: [], registration?: false, stream_management?: false, tls?: false}, host: "", jid: "", legacy_tls: true, nickname: "", owner: #PID<0.192.0>, parser: nil, password: "AAAA_GDKHvs:######", port: 5236, preferred_auth_mechanisms: ['PLAIN'], require_tls: true, resource: "", rooms: [], socket: nil, socket_opts: [], ssl_opts: [], stream_id: nil, timeout: 5000, transport: Romeo.Transports.TCP}

It would also help if someone could point me to an example of using fcm xmpp. I'm trying to send push notifications over fcm.


Ok, figured out the connection issue, was supposed to use instead of
Would still like help with my second question though.

Hi @callmeahab, sorry for the delay. I've posted an answer to your question here:

9mm commented

Hey @scrogson I have 2 questions for you:

  1. Do you know how I could implement "CONNECTION_DRAINING" with Romeo? I realize I'm just parsing the XML, but I'm more concerned about the logistics of the actual connection (search "draining" on

  2. How do I actually 'intercept' and parse all the replies?

This is a super helpful library, thank you so much for making it!