
Could not compile dependency :fast_xml

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I got the following an error when do mix deps.get

Log :

===> Fetching rebar3_hex ({pkg,<<"rebar3_hex">>,<<"6.8.0">>})
===> Version cached at /home/caramel/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/rebar3_hex-6.8.0.tar is up to date, reusing it
===> Fetching hex_core ({pkg,<<"hex_core">>,<<"0.5.0">>})
===> Version cached at /home/caramel/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/hex_core-0.5.0.tar is up to date, reusing it
===> Fetching verl ({pkg,<<"verl">>,<<"1.0.1">>})
===> Version cached at /home/caramel/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/verl-1.0.1.tar is up to date, reusing it
===> Compiling verl
===> Compiling hex_core
===> Compiling rebar3_hex
===> Fetching pc ({pkg,<<"pc">>,<<"1.10.0">>})
===> Version cached at /home/caramel/.cache/rebar3/hex/default/packages/pc-1.10.0.tar is up to date, reusing it
===> Compiling pc
===> Compiling fast_xml
===> Compiling /home/caramel/Projects/xmpp_client_elixir/deps/fast_xml/c_src/fxml.c
===> In file included from /usr/lib/erlang/erts-10.4.4/include/erl_nif.h:31:0,
                 from /home/caramel/Projects/xmpp_client_elixir/deps/fast_xml/c_src/fxml.c:18:
/usr/lib/erlang/erts-10.4.4/include/erl_drv_nif.h:158:12: fatal error: sys/types.h: No such file or directory
 #  include <sys/types.h>
compilation terminated.

** (Mix) Could not compile dependency :fast_xml, "/home/caramel/.mix/rebar3 bare compile --paths="/home/caramel/Projects/xmpp_client_elixir/_build/dev/lib/*/ebin"" command failed. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile fast_xml", update it with "mix deps.update fast_xml" or clean it with "mix deps.clean fast_xml"

Can you determine what actually happens? Thank you

Add to deps:

{:fast_xml, github: "processone/fast_xml", branch: "master", override: true}