
Grayscale input images incorrectly recognized as colour

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey Spencer, I've been having an issue with a couple of the high-res historical grayscale images when trying to create masks using the grayscale models.

I'm getting the following error msg: "Input image is colour (RGB) but the process expects grayscale. Application stopped."

The models do process most of the high-res grayscale images no problem, and only trips up on a couple. As far as I can discern, there is no difference between the metadata for the images that do and don't work - they appear to be exactly the same.

Attached are two high-res grayscale images:
BONHOMME_e011313313 - this image doesn't work using the grayscale model
GREENOCK_e011313404 - this image does work

Dang, it doesn't seem like I can upload .tif files to the issues page. And the file limit is 10MB (each image is around 30MB)

OK, thanks for the feedback! I've added an option to convert 3-channel images that are meant for the historic classification to single-channel.