Export-GSDriveFile : Exception calling "Create"

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When I try to use the Export-GSDriveFile, I am getting the following error.

Export-GSDriveFile : Exception calling "Create" with "1" argument(s): "Access to the path 'c:\temp' is denied."

I can create files within this folder. I tried passing in a different folder with the -OutFilePath argument and I still get the same response. I also tried to manually run this line which is where it is failing:
$stream = [System.IO.File]::Create($OutFilePath)

This line doesn't appear to work when passing in a directory. It appears to want a full file path, but that isn't what is being passed in when using the Export-GSDriveFile function and it complains if I try to pass in a file:

Export-GSDriveFile : Cannot validate argument on parameter 'OutFilePath'. The "(Get-Item $_).PSIsContainer" validation script for the
argument with value "C:\temp\test\cheese.csv" did not return a result of True. Determine why the validation script failed, and then try
the command again.

This is on Windows 10 1803

Any ideas?

I just commented out this line
#[ValidateScript({(Get-Item $_).PSIsContainer})] in Export-GSDriveFile.ps1 and passed in a full file path and it worked fine.

@jtwaddle - Makes sense! Thanks for bringing this up! I'm on it!

Awesome! I just started using PSGSuite and OMG... It rocks! Great job on this!

@jtwaddle thank you so much!! I'm happy you like it!

@jtwaddle - Fix has been deployed in v2.6.3! Please upgrade, test it out and let me know if you have any issues!

@jtwaddle - Going to close this out! Let me know if you still have any issues after testing!

Works great! Thanks!