
The Bank Database is a database that utilizes mySQL and Java to create a simplified banking system where a customer has five options. The customer can change address, delete all their information, open an account, setup and view loan, and to exit system.

Primary LanguageJava


Created by Sanjay Sewbhajan

Database is a Bank Database where there is a customer table that contains the customer’s ID, first name, middle initial, last name, and address. It also contains a account table which contains the account’s ID, amount in the account. The database contains a separate table for phone numbers because the attribute can be multivalued. A loan table is included containing the loan’s ID, type of loan, amount of the loan. In order to connect a loan with a customer I created a separate table labeled c_takes_l for the sole purpose of telling us what customer took which loan. Each loan comes a choice of payment plans; the payment plan table contains the plan number and the amount remaining left to be paid back for the loan. The payment plan also is connected to a due date attribute telling us which day the payment is due. The menu contains 5 options which the user can choose from. The first option is to modify the customer table to change their current address. The creation of this option gave me trouble because of the getLine and scanner within java as I will explain below. The second option is deleting all accounts related to the user, the customer will provide us with his/her ID and then their data in the database will delete throughout. The third option is to open a new account the customer will provide their first name, middle initial, last name, and address, the customer_id will be created for them. After creating the customer entry into the database, a new account is opened for then containing zero dollars by using their newly created customer ID. The fourth option is viewing the user’s loan information. I created a view combining two tables to get the amount remaining the user must pay and the final due date. Finally, the fifth option is simply to exit the menu.

Difficulties: The overall project was not very difficult it was straightforward and easy to understand. The only problem I faced was the implementation of MySQL to Java. I was very new to Java, so the codes and phrases were really hard to grasp. The concept and logic still remained the same as other programming languages however, learning the code and making simple mistakes in the syntax for Java was really time consuming and difficult. After time, I got familiar with the syntax and the code ran smoothly. Another speed bump in Java that slow me down was when I trying to collect a full string using getLine and a scanner. The problem was that getLine used an \n when collecting the line. So, to counter that I collected the \n first with another getLine then I was able to collect the rest of the string.

Learned: I learn to utilize Java much better, I understand the basic fundamentals that will help me next semester in object-oriented programming. I also learned how easily java can connect to other software with connectors. When I follow the steps of forming an ER-diagram, then convert it to a schema, and finally implement it into code it is much simpler to visualize and understand.

Next Steps:

  • Update GUI
  • Expand Database