
Missing resources for / error

Madisonkanna opened this issue · 1 comments

I downloaded the theme, ran npm install and gatsby build and then deployed to Netlify. Got the below error. Did not change anything in the code yet. I made another copy and customized it with my own posts, got Mailchimp connected etc, however, I still got this same error:


This error happens immediately when you land on the URL of the site, but if you click around, the resources load. However, if you go back

I've been trying to fix this by reading everything I can for a few days about Gatsby/Netlify errors or wht might be the fix, but no luck so far. Sadly this issue only happens on this particular theme, while other themes seem to build and deploy just fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Ah, fix was: I went to Dev Tools > Application Tab > Service Worker > click 'Unregister Service Worker' and it now works. Commenting in case someone else has this issues.