Native emojis not showing on Windows/Chrome
Opened this issue · 4 comments
OS: Windows 10
Browser: Chrome 91
Viewing the original emoji-mart demo page ( works and filters out some emojis:
Viewing with the same settings on shows extra emojis and they are displayed as boxes:
Something in the ngx-emoji-mart wrapper is changing how emoji-mart decides which emojis should be displayed.
those are from unicode v13. i believe windows 21h1 added support for them. the react library has not updated to v13 yet
ah wait some of these might be 13.1 and not supported on windows yet. not sure
I've seen this issue on multiple places, bot macOS and Windows does not support some emojis from 13.0 (for some reason, as evidenced by visiting this list ). Ive collected these and added to a 'blacklist', to be used as a filtering function.
<emoji-mart [emojisToShowFilter]="emojiFilter"></emoji-mart>
emojiFilter = (e) => ![
'1F972', '1F978', '1FAC0', '1FAC1', '1F90C', '1F9AC',
'1F9A3', '1F9AB', '1F9A4', '1FAB6', '1F9AD', '1FAB2',
'1FAB1', '1FAB0', '1FAB3', '1FAB4', '1FAD0', '1FAD2',
'1FAD1', '1FAD3', '1FAD5', '1FAD4', '1FAD6', '1F9CB',
'1FA84', '1FA86', '1FA85', '1FAA2', '1FAA1', '1F6D6',
'1FAB5', '1FAA8', '1F6FC', '1F6FB', '1FA96', '1FA98',
'1FA97', '1FA9D', '1FA9B', '1FA9A', '1FA83', '1FA9C',
'1F6D7', '1FA9E', '1FA9F', '1FAA4', '1FAA5', '1FAA3',
'1FAA0', '1FAA7', '1FAA6'
I have surely missed some and duplicated others
@BobbyTable Flags also not supported for chrome and edge on windows