
Can i implement a complete custom emoji set other then google apple etc? E.g. emojitwo

TristanBierig opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey there,

im relatively new to Angular and wanted to implement the ngx-emoji-mart in a chat-messenger test project of mine. Normal implementation with the given sets via the set attribute on the tag working fine. I couldn't really figure out, if there is a possibility to load a complete custom spritesheet e.g. emojitwo and how to load the corresponding data json from the emojitwo repo.
Is there a way to accomplish this? The [custom]-attr seems to be the one to be used, but says that the custom emojis get loaded into an extra catogery and not replacing the given set.

Furthermore, when i set the isNative attr to true. The picker itself changes to show the native emojis, but also renders the ones not being supported by native with an empty rectangle.

i'd probably fork and slam your own emoji set in there