
Null value cannot be unpacked into *[16]uint8

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gronka commented

When the value ProjectId is value is null in the database, I get these errors:

1:22AM ERR could not get by surfer email 2@2.2
1:22AM ERR can not unmarshal X uuid into *[16]uint8

Here is the code. SurfersStruct was generated using schemagen:

type SurfersStruct struct {
	Email           string
	Name            string
	ProjectId       [16]byte
	SurferId        [16]byte

func (surfer *SurfersStruct) GetByEmail(session *gocqlx.Session, email string) {
	stmt, names := qb.Select("brain.surfers").Where(qb.Eq("email")).Limit(1).ToCql()
	res := session.Query(stmt, names).Bind(email)
	if err := res.GetRelease(surfer); err != nil {
		uy.Error("could not get by surfer email " + email)

I'm using v2.8.0.

The two fixes I see are to change ProjectId to a pointer *[16]byte or to make sure project_id is never null in the database.

This seems like the most common use case, so I'm not sure if this is a bug, if I'm doing something wrong, or if this is expected behavior for a reason.

For now I think I'll fork schemagen to replace [16]byte with *gocql.UUID or gocql.UUID.