
delivery semantics

raphaelauv opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi , is the connector a best-effort connector ( accept lost and duplicate of messages from kafka to scylladb )

or is at-least-once, offsets of the consumer are only commits when data is asserted to arrive in scylladb ( every msg in kafka will be at least present 1 time in scylladb ) ?

or best case but expensive exactly-once connector.

Thank you

The connector is a at-least-once connector. In case of failure to write to Scylla, the write will be retried. It is NOT exactly-once.

In case of the connector receiving invalid messages on the source topic (for example if you configured it with JSON converter, but sent a non-JSON message), the connector has configurable policy by behavior.on.error:

  • fail (default) - the connector throws an exception and stops.
  • ignore - invalid messages are skipped
  • log - the same as ignore, but the information about invalid message is also logged

Thank you so much , that is perfectly clear !