
Missing current-offset and lag when describing connector's consumer groups

avelanarius opened this issue · 5 comments

A problem reported by a user on Slack. When using to describe the consumer group of the Sink Connector, some of its details (current-offset and lag) are not correctly filled in:


Issue successfully reproduced locally by me. I can confirm (as the user report stated) that the problem is present only when storing offsets on Scylla is disabled.

The only difference that could explain why it works when storing offsets on Scylla is enabled, are the code blocks guarded by if (config.isOffsetEnabledInScyllaDb()). There are 6 blocks like this, but only 2 look suspicious (both in ScyllaDbSinkTask). One that is probable to be the culprit is the one in preCommit. Maybe changing this one to call super.preCommit(...) on non-Scylla offset storage would fix the issue - to be further investigated.

Issue successfully reproduced locally by me.

Unfortunately, this was a premature celebration. Upon actually inserting some data into the replicated topic, the columns are correctly updated. @Bouncheck has similar problems to reproduce the issue.

any idea/guidance on how to monitor for example the lag with this connector?

Upon further inspection, using is a good way to monitor the lag of the connector. We were unable to reproduce any issues with it and monitoring with works in both modes of storing offsets (both on Kafka and on Scylla).