
configuring connector when scylla uses client encryption isn't documented

Opened this issue · 2 comments

fruch commented

seems like we aren't documenting configuring connector when scylla uses client encryption

I've found this inside the code:

    public static final Field SSL_OPENSLL_KEYCERTCHAIN = Field.create("scylla.ssl.openssl.keyCertChain")
            .withDisplayName("The path to the certificate chain file")
    public static final Field SSL_OPENSLL_PRIVATEKEY = Field.create("scylla.ssl.openssl.privateKey")
            .withDisplayName("The path to the private key file")

but there's not instruction on how to setup this up or how to upload those files into the connector.

fruch commented

@roydahan can you set triage for all devs here ? so we can label and assign issues ?
