
CI fails on `test_naive_date`

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The test_naive_date test case currently fails on main. Example workflow run: This needs to be investigated.

My current suspicion is that something changed in the latest release of chrono, because 1) we didn't have any changes related to handling of NaiveDate merged recently (so it's not the driver), and 2) the test fails on multiple workflows, including the cloud tests which use Scylla in version 5.1.6 (so it's not Scylla).

This is a problem in chrono, opened an issue about it: chronotope/chrono#1382
I created a PR that limits the versions in Cargo.toml: #918 . I didn't mark it as fixing this issue because it's just temporary workaround. We need to wait for a fix in chrono and drop this limitation.