
Feature request: support graceful power off and reboot

Opened this issue · 2 comments

chenl commented

I read on that there are several "new" power state codes. I tried to use these codes with this package to send graceful off and graceful reset (specifically codes 12 - graceful shutdown, and 14 - graceful reset), but instead I get this XML into my std out:

(I apologise in advance for pasting XML)

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<a:Envelope xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:e="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:g="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <b:Action a:mustUnderstand="true"></b:Action>

Tried the same, Doku says:

  1. The method returns 'Unknown or Unspecified Error' (2) if the requested PowerState parameter is not supported. In Intel AMT Release 5.0 and earlier releases the method used to return 'NOT_SUPPORTED' (1).

Found an (extended) fork:, with soft-off and SSL support