
not power off when run poweroff command

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Thanks for the great project which simplify the mgmt greatly!

I'm trying to use the tool to shut down one 5i5MYHE NUC, but seems like it doesn't work. Below is the response message

$ bin/amtctrl windows off
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<a:Envelope xmlns:a="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:d="" xmlns:e="" xmlns:f="" xmlns:g="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <b:Action a:mustUnderstand="true"></b:Action>

From the DASH spec, seems like the return value 2 means

8.1.4 ManagedElement
383 The ManagedElement parameter indicates the reference to the instance of CIM_ComputerSystem that
384 represents the target computer system whose power state is to be set.
385 If the instance of CIM_ComputerSystem is not associated with the instance of
386 CIM_PowerManagementService through the CIM_AssociatedPowerManagementService association, the
387 RequestPowerStateChange( ) method shall return 2 (Error Occurred).

Please let me know if there is anything more I need do to make it work. Thanks again.