
pm2 not work with Remote-Control

Closed this issue · 7 comments

MM 2.16.0
Your script is not working with Remote-Control, in the update menu is black screen.
and the say the pm2 and is not install

I don't understand. the script is not installed on the mm system, so it should not work

I have MMM-Remote-Control on my MM,
I copy this from you : bash -c "$(curl -sL"

and get the error in MMM-Remote-Control.

no idea. didn't know you could execute just any command thru remote control.. dangerous

Is on my iPhone, and on my pc on a browser

PC mean windows?

the script is Linux only

I now, But i Can do this from a browser.

(5) Access the remote interface on (replace with IP address of your RaspberryPi).

Work fine again with MM 2.17.1