
Does not setup PM2 correctly on virgin install

Closed this issue · 1 comments

running installation generates this to the stdout
ran at Raspberry 3 using raspberry OS ( bullseye )

Do you want to disable the screen saver? (y/N)?y
Do you want use pm2 for auto starting of your MagicMirror (y/N)?y
install and setup pm2
sed: can't read pm2_MagicMirror.json: No such file or directory
[PM2][ERROR] File /home/turbo/MagicMirror/installers/pm2_MagicMirror_new.json not found
[PM2] Saving current process list...
[PM2][WARN] PM2 is not managing any process, skipping save...
[PM2][WARN] To force saving use: pm2 save --force
We're ready! Run pm2 start MagicMirror from the ~/MagicMirror directory to start your MagicMirror.

turbo@magicmirror-kitchen:~ $ cd MagicMirror/
turbo@magicmirror-kitchen:~/MagicMirror $ pm2 start MagicMirror
[PM2][ERROR] Script not found: /home/turbo/MagicMirror/MagicMirror
turbo@magicmirror-kitchen:~/MagicMirror $

however - running the sepatate script to install pm2 works like a charm


thank you.. I had just fixed a problem where the modified stopped people doing manual installs..
and forgot a directory change...

you could try it again.. rename the existing MM folder out of the way
run install to test, erase the new folder, and go back to the prior..

if you have time.. thanks