
[Feature Request] AlwaysOpenAtCurrent (or something like that)

Opened this issue · 5 comments


I have 4 Virtual Desktops.
[I'm here] [Desktop 2] [Desktop 3] [Notepad++ is open here]

If I left click on the Notepad++ app shortcut pin on the taskbar when I'm on Desktop 1, by default windows takes me to Desktop 4. Well, because Notepad++ only allows one instance by default. I always want Notepadd++ to open on the current virtual desktop I'm on and not take me to the random desktop I forgot I had it open on.

Why the default behavior Windows behavior is frustrating: I usually end up clicking the Notepad++ pin, then I'm whisked to the random virtual desktop I had Notepadd++ open on, then I close Notepad++, then I go back to the virtual desktop I was at originally, then I reopen Notepadd++

If there was a flag or something, AlwaysOpenAtCurrent=1 , or whatever to call it, that would just open Notepad++ on the desktop I'm currently viewing when I open the executable. That would be nice.

Replace Notepadd++ with any app that only allows one instance for generic look at situation

If I left click on the Notepad++ app shortcut pin

If clicking is your default...couldn't you do Shift+Click on Notepad++? I'm not on Doze right now, but I know many apps work with the "Open new instance" shortcut.

i want it to bring the open instance (that is on a different virtual desktop) to the virtual desktop im currently on.

well.. there seem to be a lot of ideas on this subject on the windows feedback app (in the windows store). hopefully microsoft will address it some day

Oh...not what I understood from your description. Perhaps "MoveWindowToCurrentDesktop" would be more appropriate?

sdias commented

This would be really useful indeed, but I don't know if it is possible. I'll look into it.

Maybe we could go a little further , how about this:




That would be very handy :)