
Poet should not need a compiler to be installed

Opened this issue · 1 comments

The whole purpose of this tool is to make things easier for beginners.

Now I tried pip install pypoet under Ubuntu, but it depends on psutil, which has C extensions, hence it requires Python headers and fails. I can fix that with an apt install in 3 sec.

A beginner ?

3 hours of googling around, copy pasting, learning about gcc and headers and packages name differences accross Fedora/Ubuntu and python versions and virtualenv isolation and not understanding what the heck is going on. And maybe a bit of crying.

I really love the whole poet concept. I tried PBR and pipenv but I think the way you do things is much better generally. But it will not be popular if most first trial is an obscure error message.

Thanks for reporting this.

I completely agree. psutil is not an important dependency of cleo so I will likely make it optional to avoid it being installed by default in poet.

I will target this for the next version.