Closed this issue · 2 comments
Deleted user commented
Would it be possible to implement a function that returns a Dictionary where either the first column is used for the key or you can provide a column number that would be used as the key. Most of the time the data I am working with needs to be obtained using a key in my code so I end up creating a Collection/Array and using that to create the Dictionary so it would be nice to just get a Dictionary.
sdkn104 commented
I am planning to implement ParseCSVToDictionary() and GetFieldDictionary() in the next release.
csv = "key,value1,value2" & vbCrLf & "key1,v11,v12" ...
Set dict = ParseCSVToDictionary(csv, keyColumn:=1, ...)
MsgBox dict("key1")(2) ---> v11
field = GetFieldDictionary(csv)
MsgBox dict("key1")(field("value2")) ---> v12
sdkn104 commented
ParseCSVToDictionary() has been released in v1.8