
Enforce contributing guidelines

miguelpalazzo opened this issue · 4 comments

I've noticed in some closed Pull Requests that the contributing guidelines might be misleading at the moment due to cases that can reflect on:

  • Just one link per PR allowed (instead of the stated Only one or two links per Pull Requests).
  • No more YouTube channels allowed.
  • Something else to be added as rule of thumb.

To avoid that, it might be updated, while also introducing a Pull Request template to make sure the code review and merging experience could be much easier, as I know this process can be taxing, especially now with Hacktoberfest ongoing.

@miguelpalazzo Yeah that will be a really good think. If you can do it sounds good

Right away!

There it goes your way @sdmg15, PR #1388 is tackling what I had offered. Please, let me know anything else about it.

@sdmg15 if you need help reviewing PRs accordingly, I could gladly do that a few hours a day. Just let me know how to do so. Thanks!