
Bad description of uri data type in schema

Opened this issue · 0 comments

"description": "Contains the URL to the schema allowing to validate the message. This also allows identifying the version of SDMX-JSON format used in this message. Providing the link to the SDMX-JSON schema is recommended.",
»Contains the URL to the schema allowing to validate the message. This also allows identifying the version of SDMX-JSON format used in this message. Providing the link to the SDMX-JSON schema is recommended.« - That is confused with the meta.schema property, but the definition is not used for meta.schema but for other URI properties.

Also the JSON data type is wrong, the "uri" type requires absolute URIs. The "uri-reference" (or rather "iri-reference") type should be used instead, since the prose description allows relative references.

(In doubt, please handle this as a public review comment on SDMX 3.1 once the comment period begins.)