
What is the best choice?

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I want to work in energy efficiency of sdn based wsn, so i want to build a network consists of sensor nodes, sink node and sdn controller in which every nodes send some informations to the controller such as its position, residual energy and its distance from the sink node. Based on those informations the controller divided the network to cluster domains each one with its cluster head based on fuzzy c means clustering protocol and make optimization using swarm intelligence technique.
I want to ask which network simulator is the best to build this network ns3 or cooja/ conitiki (sdn- wise)?


as far as I know there are no wsn sdn solutions that are ready to be implemented in ns3. I would suggest you to use sdn-wise, cooja, and contiki.
However, If you want to learn more about sdn-wise, we are facing some issues with the sdn-wise website and the documentation will be back online in January